I have had a couple rough subsituting days lately and with the additional pressure of getting ready to head home for the holidays next week I turned my phone on vibrate last night. Normally, my phone rings between 7 and 7:30 am and Marcel wakes up to me saying "Goodmorning, Amy Vander Wier" in the most polite professional voice I can conjure. Then I hang up and groan... "working at ______ school today... Time to get up!" Instead, when I heard a familiar buzzing and saw my phone shaking above my dresser, I turned around and snuggled tighter into the down of the warm duvet and whispered "I don't think I'm going to work today, Marcel"...
Everyone needs a mental health day once and awhile. Today was mine. So instead of getting my sub "game face" on (which it has felt like lately-- classroom management to the max), I revelled in a day of self-indulgence. My perfect morning was spent at a local coffee shop. After dropping Marcel off at work I walked under the moonlight and saw the hope of a morning glow starting to appear behind the mountainscape (9 am). The past few weeks have been in the -30s, but recently the temperature has been on the rise and -17 felt fresh and comfortable to walk through town in. The Christmas lights were still glowing up and down Main street and many of the stores weren't open yet as I made my way to Baked Cafe.
The aroma of roasting beans welcomed me into the homey feel of the local coffee spot. The soft murmur of morning conversations filled the air as I perused the chalkboard menu. Then, with my bowlful of latte and a white chocolate raspberry scone I headed toward a vacant corner. I curled up on a leather sofa, took my boots off, and pulled out this month's book club pick, "Love Anthony". Time passed slowly as I sipped and read, sipped and read. Finally, the sun began to peek above the horizon and the woman knitting across from me packed up and started her day so I had to assume that business was open in Whitehorse and my Christmas shopping could begin. I packed up my gear that I had spread out all around me and after taking a tour of the beautiful artistic scenes and portraits that hung on the walls, bundled up for a walk toward all of the best boutiques in town.
I was pleasantly surprised to find a Christmas Market open today! It is called the 12 Days of Christmas Market and it features a number of local artisans. Craft markets are definitely a favourite of mine especially when I can tick some Christmas gifts off my list after visiting one! I also meandered through a few art stores and wandered about the local bookstore. Then I met a friend for lunch, picked up a couple of groceries, and headed home to listen to Christmas music while organizing, cleaning, and trying to complete a crocheted scarf.
I know I could've used this day to deep clean our new apartment, search for some living room lamps, cook some meals to freeze for a rainy day, or even work... but sometimes we need to choose to slow down, have time to watch the sunrise, enjoy the fresh of the outdoors, dig deep into a new book, say hi to someone you haven't talked to in awhile, and smile at the joy of a self-indulgent day. Mmmmm.... I am feeling deeply satisfied.
It is 4:14. The sunlight slowly seeped out of our living room as I was writing this blog. It feels like night time and if I didn't have hockey tonight I might have just put on my PJs for an evening of hibernation under our Christmas lights.
Sounds like a perfect day, Amy!
ReplyDeleteGlad you know yourself well enough to know you needed, "the joy of a self-indulgent day."
Mmmmm.....I wish I was there to enjoy that day with you. Sounds like it was a good one.
ReplyDeleteThanks! It was a real joy of a day. I would have loved to spend it with either of you great women!
ReplyDeleteHeavenly Amy! I feel somewhat refreshed just from reading this ;) Can't wait to see you and Mar sometime on the near horizon! Bring some snow with you please :)