Monday, November 26, 2012


First, a weather update from the north:

It is a little chilly today. Ice Fog occurs when humidity is near 100% and temperature dips to -30 and below which creates ice crystals that suspend in the air or really thick fog. Today the ice fog was not that noticeable except over the Yukon River as we encounter temps in the -30s and -40s it will become more of a driving hazard.
The outdoors actually looks quite inviting today because of the SUNSHINE! I didn't realize how much I missed the sun, but it has been quite dreary lately although we've enjoyed warmer temps because of the cloud cover (-15ish). I'm very motivated to bundle up and go for a walk to soak in some natural Vitamin D :)

  In other news, we are moving this week! We found an apartment (all through word of mouth around here) that has two bedrooms and will save us about $400/month. Currently we are in a one bedroom apartment that is furnished; our new apartment is unfurnished. We are only moving about two blocks and are thankful that we can stay in our current neighbourhood which is close to about five schools. We are also moving almost next door to the highschool that I supply teach at most often :)
Our Current Apartment:



 We're going to miss this storage compartment
for our stinky hockey equip!
  Last week on one of my days off I checkout out the Sally Anne and all the local consignment stores as well as any local furniture/kitchen supply stores in Whitehorse to get an idea of what resources are available to us to furnish our place this week. It was pretty discouraging. The consignment stores were jam-packed full of furniture and do-dads that were all very expensive. The Sally Anne did not have a lot of choice. Overall I found the thrift store options out here lacking and overpriced. Sad day. From my research I realized that our best options were going to be Canadian Tire and Wal-mart for all our apartment needs. Wal Mart and Can. Tire have some good sales, but as I began to make lists of all the forks, knives, bowls, couch, desk, lamps etc. that we would need, I realized this was going to be a bigger investment than we first assumed. I had a bit of a meltdown as I pictured us sitting on the floor of a very barren, lifeless apartment. Meanwhile, Marcel tried to revive me with a rousing "Livin' on Love" rendition and anti-materialistic lecture. Blah.
  Well, this story gets better. Our new landlords are a sweet elderly couple that were also once new to Whitehorse and are sympathetic to new-to-town, pregnant couples. Yes, I said pregnant. NO! I am NOT pregnant... apparently I just need to work out more!! While touring the apartment, our sweet host said to me, "So, you are with child?" I was stupified. I really couldn't respond and so I think Marcel negated the assumption for me and then our sweet landlandy dug herself deeper by replying, "Oh, it just looked like it by the lump under your coat." Thanks for the compliment. I blame the many layers of clothing forced upon me by the Whitehorse climate.
  Because of this incident I think our landlady either feels guilty for her mistake or really does believe we are the modern day wandering Mary and Joseph without a home or any worldly belongings to our name so she and her husband have been very accommodating as of late. The apartment is already unoccupied and so we brought some odds and ends over on Saturday. We met up with our new landlords and they had a whole list of items that we could have for free if we wanted them! Awesome. We spent part of the afternoon moving a desk, kitchen table and chairs, a dresser, and coffee table into our new place. It is starting to look a lot less barren and once more of our clothes and pictures get moved over, it may even look like "home".
 This past weekend, Marcel and I were also introduced to the church congregation we've been attending for the past two months. They do something called "Meet and Greet" at the beginning of the service where everyone shakes hands with everyone else and then often they introduce people that are new to the church community. We had the opportunity to tell everyone where we were from and why we came to Whitehorse. The pastor also mentioned that we were moving and in need of furniture etc. and so after the service we ended up meeting a whole bunch more people from the church, including some that had pots or dishes and even someone that has a queen size bed we can use!  
 This week I was reminded of a verse from a VBS camp I helped at this summer. I memorized it as a song and so in my head it bounces around to a cheery camp tune, but it reads "My God will supply all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus" and continues "Now all glory to God our Father forever and ever! Amen" (Phil. 4:19-20). God has supplied for my needs in countless situations, yet I'm still suprised every time. You may not need a couch or frying pan, but maybe you need a friend or an affirmative word; He sees you and He is faithful. Trust in Him.
Snapshots of our next apartment:

Living Room
Living Room and Kitchen (Free Desk :)

Bedroom (Two Closets!!! Whaaat?!)

Second Bedroom. AKA Hockey Equp Room/ Guest Room
(Appealing guests?)


  1. Praise The Lord for His providence! The new place looks comfy. Glad you now have a room for me. :)

    1. Thanks Mom. We may even have a boxspring and mattress for you to sleep on by the time you visit. A free boxspring came up, but we'd have to strap it to our roof for 20 km.... not sure how that will go yet...

  2. Pregnant?! haha...I read that part a few times ;)
    God is good! Glad (but not surprised) that you're being provided for.

  3. Hi Amy

    I have been in the same situation as you. I remember sitting in the subway one time and a lady got up and offered me her seat. I thought she was getting off so I gladly took it. When she didn't get off I wondered why she gave me her sat. She finally said to me, I remember when I was pregnant and nobody offered me a seat. To top things off she got off at the same subway spot as me. I didn't dare tell her I wasn't pregnant, nor would I open up my coat until I didn't see her anymore. It can be a little embarrassing.

    On another note we hope you enjoy your new home and that things will come together there. Love reading your blogs. Keep it up.

    1. Lol! Thanks for the sympathy A. Teresa! Glad its not just me in these embarrassing situations at times.

  4. OH BOYS! toooooo funny.
    Glad you were able to take it in stride.
    People have no tact sometimes!
    so nice to see pictures of your place.
    God is so good, providing for your needs, like He said He would.
    So happy that you have an encouraging church community, that means so much!
    Miss you guys. Enjoy the Vitamin D when you can!!!
    Love you

    1. THanks E!
      Things are coming together and our church community has been so generous! We even met a couple that knows some of our friends from our BC years! Crazy! Looking forward to seeing you and the fam soon!
